Spelling Color Words. Red, pink, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, brown, black, gray, white. If you don't know the colours in english, do this vocabulary exercise first.
Spelling games for the spelling list 'colours, basic'. Color and colour are different spellings of the same word. Use the word spell check function to word has several options for checking your spelling.
English vocabulary word lists and various games, puzzles and quizzes to help you study them.
The spelling word lists in this section have been divided into 5 levels, 1 is the easiest 5 the hardest. English vocabulary word lists and various games, puzzles and quizzes to help you study them. Our free color word worksheets & activities help a child write the words for each color, color objects using the basic colors, match color words to objects and much more. Color word pieces puzzle in this puzzle, combine pairs of word segments to make color spelling words.